Simply Enhance LLC
2621 Bastian Lane
Herndon VA 20171-2459
We use cookies to track how users interact with the website. We do NOT collect ID addresses or user information. We do NOT sell, share, or distribute any information collected.
Analytical information is collected through Google Analytics. We can see how many users have visited the site, what pages were visited, the amount of time spent on the website, the city and country the user lives in, click-through rate, keywords used to fine the website, how the user came to the website (organic search, direct link, social media, referral from another site). To opt-out decline the cookies.
For e-mail subscribers we collect full name and e-mail addresses to receive e-mail communications from Simply Enhance only. We do NOT sell, share, or distribute any information collected. Subscribers may opt-out by unsubscribing or by contacting Simply Enhance to be removed from e-mail distribution lists.